online angol
A 3. feltételes módot mutatja be egy kedves anyanyelvű amerikai angol tanár a következő videóban.
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Segítő jegyzetek:
... I'd like to tell you a little bit about my past. ...
I'll show yoou different falgs of different countries. When I show you a flag you tell me a country. And then I'll tell you something that happened to me or something that I did in that country. OK? So let's start. Here's the first flag.
I college I studied Japanese for two years. I had been to Japan once before but for a very short time. After college I wantd to go there and teach English. I aplied to a program and they rejected me, so it didn't go.
If I had lived in Japan, I would have learned more Japanese.
... so I didn't go to Japan, I went to Russia. I have been there three times before, and the fourth time was when I finished my graduate work.
If I hadn't gone to Russia, I wouldn't have met my husband.
so I'm glad I went back to Russaia. ... I'm not the only one who married outside my culture. My friend married a Belgian.
If my friend hadn't married a Belgian, I wouldn't have visited Brussels.
... My father's, actually, from the Philippines, and I visited there when I was a little girl all my relatives but I didn't speak Tagalog (a Fülöp-szigetek hivatalos nyelve). That's a shame because I couldn't speak much with my relatives.
If I had learned Tagalog, I would have talked more with my relatives.
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