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Hananyag: 01:59-től 3:53-ig

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David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, led (vezette) the study (kutatás).  He studies ways (mód) to control (irányít) aging, and the National Institute on Aging helped support (támogat) the study.  But he also says there is a serious (súlyos) need for something to help overweight people who are unable (képtelen) to lose weight (fogyni). 

Several biotechnology companies are hoping to create a treatment (kezelés, gyógymód) that will act (hat, működik) as the resveratrol did in the mice.  Professor Sinclair says researchers are a long way from developing (kifejleszt) such a thing.  But a company he helped start, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, is testing (tesztel) the safety (biztonság) of a resveratrol treatment in people with diabetes. 

Resveratrol has been shown to extend (meghosszabbít) the lives of other organisms including yeast (élesztőgomba), roundworms (bélféreg) and fruit flies (gyümölcslégy). 

The mice in this new study received (kap) huge amounts of it -- many, many times more than a person would get from a glass of red wine.  Red wine contains (tartalmaz) more resveratrol than white wine. 

Many health food stores (egészséges ételeket árusító üzlet) sell resveratrol.  But experts say no one knows if it will work the same (ugyanúgy) in humans as it did in the mice.  And they say no one knows if there are long-term (hosszútávú) dangers in taking large amounts.

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver.  For more health news, go to voaspecialenglish.com.  I'm Steve Ember.

(Forrás: VOA Special Englsih)


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